Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The faith of little ones...

In the car today, Mason (6!) and Preslie (3) were discussing which of their suckers was better.

Mason's was blue.

Preslie's was mango.

Finally, Mason yells,"I DON'T LIKE MANGOS!!!"

To which Preslie says,

"OH YEAH??!! Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for the day. Please bless Mason will LOVE mangos..."


Adrienne said...

I like your kids. They are cooler than most people.

Melanie said...

How in the world did you get that perfect picture to go with your story? I love your cute kids. I Love Mangos and blue.

Amy K said...

awesome. Go preslie! That picture could not be more perfect!
Love you.

Jo said...

While Zach(5)was cleaning his room this weekend, he said, "I wish Jesus could help me clean my room, he knows where everything goes!" Kids are great!

jake said...

I hope you get this... I was super excited to see your little name and face....beautiful face on facebook. It is funny when you have not seen someone since 6th grade to see how they turn out. You my dear...so pretty and as always funny. How I missed you! Price and Mahoney the SF treat. I had to explain to my hubby that you were my elem school soul mate!