Last weekend I went to Time Out For Women for the first time. Friday night was kind of strange. It's probably normally very good. I think maybe they just weren't on their game. Maybe the spirit missed its flight out here. I don't know. But it was a little bit, um, not so much? A lot of talk about prozac being holy and "don't EEEVEN get me started on women and chocolate, am I right ladies?? And your husbands, do they love the remote or WHAT?!! Ha ha ha!" Anyway,
Michael Mclean was one of the ... performers (?) ... he spoke and sang. I guess it just wasn't my thing. A little too gooey or something. So to ease my yuckness a little, I started blogging in my head (you know you do it) and I was trying to think of a way of saying it wasn't really my bag, baby. I decided I needed a picture of him to go with it (you know you do that
too.) So afterwards, my friend Kim and I go up to snap a little somethin'. I didn't want to be rude, so I thought of a fact that didn't reveal where I stood on his music that I could tell him. I said, "My senior year, I listened to
Like A Lighthouse every day". That's true - isn't it Amy? He leaned over and whispered in my ear, "That's by Michael Webb. He's a friend of mine. I'll tell him." If he didn't have his arm around me I could have run away. Instead he held tighter and I got to bask in the embarrassing glow while he laughed about it. I wish I would have thought to say,"You didn't let me finish! I was going to say, 'I listened to that stupid song every day
and I was so mad because it wasn't one of yours. Plus, I think that song is dirty.'"

Look at me. Sweet kid. I think he's about to tell me he's a big fan of mine or something that won't make me want to hide.

My red, red face. Caught on film. Thank you, Kim.
The next day was great. I'm so glad because I thought maybe I didn't have a soul.
Sorry, Michael.
Thanks for sharing your mortification with us! My kids asked what I was gasping and laughing about in front of the computer....
We went to Time Out for Couples one year and we loved it. We had a really good time. And I love Michael McLean, although you and your brother share that "not so much" thing about him.
I am totally with you on the Michael Mclean thing. Um...not so much. So, he doesn't just pull out the "sisters, i feel prompted to tell you something today. Depression, tears, fake lump in throat....long pause, proceed with story" in Phoenix? Good to know. Good to know. Now for the big question...Do I have a soul? I'm seriously concerned.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haaaa!
Ha ha ha ha aha ahaha ahahahahah.
I love that story so much I can't even stand it. It is so hilarious on so many levels. Oh, to live in my parents' basement again....sigh.
Your stupid sister told me the story - very funny, even hearing it again. The photos, however, made it hysterical! Side note: it's peculiarly unsettling how much you resemble Nel Carter.
Okay, that is hilarious. I agree that Michael McLean is a little too gooey. My mom used to love him though and would always give me his CDs for Christmas. They basically collected dust for awhile, until I gave them to the DI.
I have to have Shane read this because he thought I was going inactive and unimpressionable after I got home from TOFW here. It wasn't even not so much - like yeah, not at all. I actually care if the children draw on the cars and I don't think it's just silly if I'm pregnant and dumb and trying my best and losing. If Cheri Call hadn't been sick and losing her voice she might've been ok. I have to give McLean credit for the whole Gods Arms to My Arms to Yours because it helped my friend get through her teenage pregnancy and adoption process, but that's all he gets. Oh and The Forgotten Carols because it's a good childhood memory for Shane. I think we've got souls still at the end of the seminar, but they're dead asleep.
please email me the specs, make and model of your fruit fly trap. Does it make a "ZAP!" sound every time it gets one? Did you really make it or merely assemble it? there is a big difference.
You are such an inspiration. I think they would be inspired by you too.
I went to Time Out for Women for the first time a couple of years ago with a bunhc of friends in Vegas. (Girls' trip!) Michael was the host and I had absolutely NO clue who he was (despite growing up in the church). I have never cringed and groaned SO much in all my life at a church-ish function. I was mortified that so many people loved him. It was way too much for me. Glad to know there are others out there who feel like me. :)
that is way funny! kinda like asking a sista when she is due. ha ha super funny!
seriously so blessed has nothing on your blog.
thanks for many good laughs, this being the best so far.
hilarious shelby! clint likes to call all that gooey stuff and when their voices all get whispery and emotional - "The Afterglow Effect"... by the way - you look gorgeous.
Loved you in "Ghost", was Patrick Swayze friendly at all?
Oh, that wasn't you?! :)
Mel S.
Haha! Shelby I miss you. You are BEAUTIFUL. If I grow up to be like you in any way at all, I will be the happiest person.
So I finally got around to checking your blog for the "Michael kissing Shelby in the ear" picture. It looks even better on your blog than it did on Kim's camera! HA! HA! HA! I was laughing so hard at it that a wet salty substance started streaming out my eyes! Good times, and I was going to say good memories too, but maybe that evening is better forgotten!? By the way, we'll be needing those brownies Dec. 14. See ya in a couple months!
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