Thursday, July 31, 2008

Delicious and Fun

Got a wicked child? Trying to incorporate more evil into lunchtime? Here is an idea (surprisingly rejected by Family Fun Magazine) for you to try:

Babies for Lunch

Swaddle hot dogs in buttermilk biscuits, draw little sleeping eyes with your very favorite non-toxic marker and place in pan. Then have your real baby sing lullabies and give them each a kiss goodnight. Place in oven pre-heated to 375° while your four year-old laughs maniacally. Cook babies for ten minutes. Serve with blood-red ketchup.


Natalie said...

That is so funny and very clever!!! I had a good laugh and so did everyone else in the house old enough to read it! Kind of a bad image for me 6 days before delivery...LOL!
I'm willing to bet my husband will make these for Kennedy when I'm in the hospital.

Andrea said...

I like my cow still moo-ing - you like your babies still crying....alrighty then.

Andrea said...

So when are you coming to visit?

MH72 said...

That is too much fun!!!!!

Melanie said...

this is why you are the funnest mom ever. And I DO worry about Mason's face in this picture. He IS enjoying this much to much.

Anonymous said...

literally crying here in Alberta - I'll buy any old book you write...