Here's our family picture that we sent out with the very few unorganized mess of cards that actually made it to the mailbox. We took the picture the day after Halloween. Jaym had a nice handlebar mustachio but trimmed it to this for the picture. My mom thinks he looks like a super-hot movie star. I think he looks like a perv. Don't get me wrong, he's an attractive perv. He's my perv.
Preslie and Camryn's dresses were mine and Lexi's when we were little. How authentic and ugly. I have vivid memories of going to Miniworld at Easter or Christmas time on the rare occasion that my mom didn't sew us something. So much lace and fluffiness. So scratchy and short. "Is that a Jessica McClintock? Wow."
When I went looking for inspiration, it seemed like every picture I found had the girls in the fluffy-fluff and the boys in a tshirt. How was that ok to the moms of the world? "Nah, don't worry about him. He's just a dumb boy. Girls! Come get some more lace!" Ha ha ha ha.
I'm sorry about my Christmas Card issues. I didn't send one local one out... except maybe to the Bishop? (I have to kiss up to keep my sweet calling). I meant to hand them out with something homemade or at least at church, but I missed the last two weeks due to children's yak. I have a bunch leftover... maybe I'll cross out "Meowy Christmas" and give them out on people's birthdays. Just kidding. I'm even worse at birthdays. Well then what should I do with them? Oh, I know. I'll stack them on top of a bookcase for a couple years and then put them in a box in storage until some sort of moisture causes me to throw them away. Yes, that'll do perfectly.
Now that you mention it I think I recognize Cam's dress from pictures I have seen.
Jaym looks like a serial killer. Any fun plans for the perv's birthday?
Pres is obviously not a fan of the perv. Man did I feel like a million bucks in a Jessica McClintock. I had successfully stuffed those days behind me - thanks!
that's exactly what i did with all of the thank you notes from our wedding. almost 11 years ago. they got thrown out at 9 years. I still feel really guilty about that.
This is so perfect! Thank you for the laugh!
I love it!
Fun pic!...even the yellowing tint is perfect! I was thinking a fun christmas card idea would be to wear those really tacky christmas sweaters. I'm keeping my eye out!
For a minute I thought the pic was serious...and I thought.."hey, she was stylish at CE...what happened?!"
I love this picture. My art family loved it too.
When I received one of the few cards that was mailed, I just thought you had used some old film and you had made Christmas dresses for the girls in all your spare time. Then, I thought your hubby's new job was taking a toll on him.... I feel much better now, knowing the truth! I am glad you explained the photo.
-Lisa B.
Someday I need to have a girl, just so I can force some hideous lacy apparel on her! If we had to go through it, why shouldn't our kids?
oh shelby, the card/photo made me laugh. i look forward to your cards evey year. and i too had a few dresses from miniworld in my day... thanks for the memory!
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