Anger. I'm riding high on it right now, so my words may be out of proportion to what actually happened. Forgive.
Mason and Preslie are sick. Like "boneless chicken ranch" sick. They are laying all over the house and it was all i could do to put their limp bodies into the car to take the girls to school. So I dropped the girls off and went to the gas station by my house to get some milk. I park the very front spot in front of the glass doors - which coincidentally - you can SEE through and lock the lethargic kids in their seats in the locked car and run in to get the milk. The milk is probably 15 feet from my car. As I'm walking in, a man who's walking out (on his way to play some basketball with his pals, I think, judging by his hoodie and shorts) says,"you can't leave your kids in the car."
I say,"Yes, I can. They are sick. I'm here to get milk for them."
He says,"You can't leave your kids in the car."
I say,"They are throwing up. I'm not bringing then in the store. They are locked in."
He says,"It's against the law."
and spend less time getting my stinkin' milk than I did arguing with him about it.
I'm so mad!! How could I have carried two sick kids and milk? He doesn't know. Now I have to growl and snort all day. Luckily I still have a bag of chicks & rabbits. That should help. Also, if somebody could go find that guy and put him on puke duty, that would be great. I'm sure he has plenty of experience with sick kids.
P.s. you can still donate to our run (even just a couple bucks would help out a lot and you'd be my best friend):
I had the same thing happen once. Except the lady tried to open my car door and get my kids out! I still fume over it and it has been 5 years!! Some people!
oh no. i'm always afraid this is going to happen to me when i leave my kids in the car like that. not funny. people need to learn to mind their own business.
GRRRRR.....i would have snorted all day too. just remember what you said, "he doesn't know." he really doesn't. Someday karma will teach him. hopefully, you will be at the gas station when he's learning. It'll be good. maybe his learning can involve diarrhea AND vomit. can't wait.
Judgemental people I so can't stand THEM!! You should have offered for him to sit with them.
ICK! We just had the "vomits" at our house! It was horrible! I'm so sorry that the gas station "hall monitor" made it even worse for you!
Speaking of courthouse and wake-up call, I need a nap.
Oh my Goodness! ROWWWWWW!
Shawn owes me big.
hey, post the deleted comments on the family webpage.
Shawn's a tool.
That sucks. I had someone yell at me for leaving my boys in the car when I ran into a gas station and I played the autism runner card and told her to mind her own business. Then I was mad for the rest of the day. I hate jerks.
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